Updating Your Home for 2019

Updating Your Home for 2019

The following contribution is from another author.

Right now, it’s likely all of your attention is focused on the holiday period we’re about to enter. You might be headed on vacation, simply looking forward for some time off work, or preparing for a massive flow of family members to your household, all wishing to celebrate Christmas in good company. The winter holiday period if a mixture of beautiful relaxation and also intense planning. Sometimes, things take a little longer to deal with than you might have been expecting. No matter what you have planned, we hope you enjoy it through and through.

However, the new year comes sooner than you might think. When 2019 hits, with only one more  year to the new decade, you’ll likely be looking around and considering just what you can improve and update. Why look further than what’s currently in front of you? Sometimes our homes are often the asset that requires the most attention, and the new year is the perfect time to do so. You usually have a little time before returning to work, you are refreshed from the seasons festivities, and now you’re ready to knuckle down and develop something wonderful for you and your family.

With our advice, it should be even better:

Roof Repair

The winter period can often lead our homes to need some form of maintenance. Cold temperatures can often batter our humble abodes, in some places more than others. We think about the intense winter colds of Canada, or the intense monsoons of Southeast Asia. While you might not live in an area like this, you’re not necessarily free from the influences of the winter period on your home. It’s important to inspect your home fully both during and after the seasonal period. That means you can take care of issues as they arise, or at least as you notice them.

Hail, ice, snow, heavy downpour, and simple cold temperatures all have an effect. Where do they have most of their effect? On your roof, as this is likely where the downfall or the collection of ice will be occurring. Leaks, a lack of positive insulation or damp in an attic room can often be attributed to a damaged roof of some kind. It might be that you’re in need of roofing felt replacement, or your shingles might need replacing, or sometimes, the materials of the roof need to be repaired, particularly if you’re using a niche thatched topping. Roof repair is important, so be sure you don’t need it before you strike it from your list.

Siding Enhancement

The issues as we’ve explained above can also impede your siding in many ways. Shoddy siding can often make a home look disheveled. It might be that the aesthetic has become faded, or is peeling. It could be that ice has damaged it, or that it was installed incorrectly and the cold weather is starting to reveal that. This is where you need to use firms such as Dependable Home Services to give you a more cohesive and complete working effort depending on your needs. Firms that offer cohesive packages like this can also assess the quality of your foundations, or a range of internal and exterior home repairs that need to be made.

As one problem can often directly lead into another when it comes to your home, it’s best to use one complete services to help you rectify those errors from the root, and to care for the aesthetic of the repair just as much as its function. With the right choices, you’re sure to benefit in a much more complete manner.

A New Lick Of Paint

It can be amazing to see what a new lick of paint could do. It might be the whole of your house, perhaps the trimmings such as your window arches, or even something small such as your front fence or front door. Consider this an aesthetic breath of fresh air that you can complete in one or two afternoons on a weekend while listening to podcasts, helping your home revivify itself and grand extra curb appeal. Of course you are under absolutely no obligation to, but it can prove absolutely wonderful to try and change the color for the new year, giving your home a new exterior identity for this year, only to change completely once again as Spring begins to bloom in 2020.


Fencing protects us yes, but it’s often the most important trimming we have for the aesthetic of our home. It might be that you decide to implement completely new fencing such as the eponymous white picket fence, or perhaps you may consider privacy fencing that is much higher, as a response to new developments in the area or perhaps your children starting to grow a little more. Quality fencing is important to implement, because as damage happens you can often find your exterior looking more and more disheveled by the day. Protecting against pets escaping is important, but also prevent animals from entering your garden to a degree can prove much safer for your family trying to enjoy your front and back garden fences.

It could be that as the new decade is coming up, you hope to implement a change you can see grow over the years. If you have the space for it, crafting a line of trees along a certain perimeter can help the tree space look wonderful and serve as a much more private and natural method of protecting the perimeter of your property. However, due to the size and root-spreading nature of trees, it can sometimes be that you might need permission to grow, fell or prune certain areas in that environment. Of course, you’re unlikely to gain a brand new fully-grown line of trees in time for the new decade, but you can watch them grow over the course of those years, which can prove a fixed and quite amazing thing to grow, parallel to our own lives.

With these simple tips, updating your home for 2019 is sure to be achieved with considerable forethought, maintenance and depth.


Eric is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).