How to Nurture Your Creativity

How to Nurture Your Creativity

As we get older, it is easy to lose touch with our “creative” side. After all, amid the chaos of everyday life, it can be difficult to make time for creative pursuits. 

However, nurturing your creativity is important at all stages of life. Not only can it provide you with a respite from everyday stressors, but creative hobbies are also great for your mental health. For example, a recent study found that during the pandemic, those who pursued creative hobbies reported “improvements in depression, anxiety and life satisfaction.” 

With that in mind, here are some simple ways to nurture your creativity – even when dealing with a busy schedule! 

Return to a hobby that brought you joy in your childhood. 

Many people are unsure where to begin when picking up a creative hobby in adulthood. For this reason, returning to an activity you used to enjoy when you were younger is a great place to start. 

For example, if you have always loved artistic hobbies, such as painting or drawing, now is the perfect time to pick up the paintbrush once again. Alternatively, you could try your hand at becoming a digital artist by purchasing the  Largest Portable Drawing Tablet and letting your creativity run free. Over time, this is a great way to save money, as you do not need to buy new supplies as often. 

Carve out some time in your schedule. 

If you do not specifically carve out some time to dedicate to a creative hobby, be that journaling or gardening, you will never get around to doing it. This is because you’ll simply find other ways to fill your time. However, by adding this to your schedule, you’re more likely to commit to this hobby. As such, try to set aside a few hours a week that you can dedicate to creativity. 

Don’t expect perfection right away. 

When picking up a new hobby, you must manage your expectations regarding your skill level. If you expect to be perfect right away, it is easy to become discouraged and feel as though you should give up. If you fall into this mindset, remind yourself that it typically takes “10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery.”

Instead, focus on having fun! After all, hobbies, while challenging, are meant to be fun above all else. They should be a break from the pressure of everyday life, not a way to exacerbate this. You don’t need to be perfect! 

Bring a friend along for the ride. 

If your hobby requires you to participate in some training or to join a class, you may feel more confident if you do so with a friend by your side. Not only will this reduce your anxiety as you step outside of your comfort zone, but it is also a great way to spend more quality-time with your friend. You may also be more likely to stick to your hobby as you have someone to hold you accountable.


Eric is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).