11 Tips for Living in Your Home During a Remodel

11 Tips for Living in Your Home During a Remodel

The following contribution is from another author.

When your house needs remodeling, you still live in it despite the noise, dust, and disruptions it could cause. There will be adjustments, and it’s daunting to live with them in the meantime.

However, planning your living arrangements during this challenging time is essential. Follow these tips to start arranging your living space:

1. Plan Ahead

Develop a detailed yet flexible timeline for the entire project plan with your contractor. Outline the scope of work, construction phases, budget, and plans for unexpected extensions and day-to-day life disruptions. Construction can take several weeks, so you must live your life with minimal hassle within that timeline.

2. Organize and Declutter

Declutter your home before the remodeling begins to prevent damage to your things. Pack all the non-essential items and arrange them in plastic bins and sturdy cardboard boxes.

Here are more decluttering tips you can apply:

  • Determine the things you plan to keep, throw, or donate.
  • Focus on one room at a time.
  • Scan documents to minimize paper clutter.
  • Gather your packing supplies and label them accordingly.
  • Group your items according to their kind and arrange them inside every box.
  • Use bubble wrap to wrap fragile items and label them “FRAGILE.”
  • Contact a storage company to help you move your packed items into a storage unit.

You need to start decluttering early, so you won’t feel stressed and scramble to pack your things when the project begins.

3. Set Up Temporary Living Spaces

Determine an area in your home that will serve as your temporary living space when the renovation starts. It should be away from the construction zone.

Using the vacant space would depend on the kind of remodeling. If it’s the kitchen, create a temporary kitchen with a microwave, small fridge, and coffee maker. If your master bedroom is being remodeled, you can use it temporarily to get a good night’s sleep.

4. Communicate with Your Contractor

Clear communication with contractors will ensure that you will meet halfway. Get regular updates on the project’s progress, changes in the schedule, and any issues that may arise. You can communicate via email, phone, or weekly meetings.

5. Plan for Noise and Dust

Home renovation is indeed dusty and noisy, and that’s too challenging to live with. Drown out the noise by using noise-canceling headphones or earplugs. Attach plastic sheeting and door seals to keep dust from entering your living space. Regularly clean your home to avoid accumulating dust that may irritate your nose.

6. Adjust the Daily Routine

You can work around the construction schedule by making minor adjustments to your daily routine. This can be especially helpful with kitchen and bathroom remodeling.

If you’re remodeling the kitchen and dining room, plan all daily meals that don’t require a full kitchen. Take advantage of takeout or meal delivery services. If your bathroom is in the middle of remodeling, set up a barrier between the work zone and the usable space inside. Create a shower schedule for everyone to avoid getting in conflict with construction work.

7. Stay Organized

With a calendar, track important dates like deliveries, meetings, and inspections. It helps you plan your activities and important work. Share your calendar with the contractor so everyone is on the same page.

8. Implement Safety Measures

The renovation project may put some areas of your home at risk. Put safety measures in place so you and your family can live peacefully in your home. Here’s how:

  • Keep your children and pets away from the construction site. Even adults should steer clear of the construction zone to avoid risks of injuries.
  • Store tools, heavy equipment, and materials safely.
  • Restrict access to hazardous areas using gates and temporary barriers.

Talk to your contractor about safety protocols to inform everyone about potential risks in the remodeling project.

9. Have a Semblance of Normalcy

You may still go about your regular routines and activities while the home remodeling is ongoing by:

  • Exercising for half an hour a day.
  • Keeping up with your hobbies (drawing, writing, playing games, etc.).
  • Staying connected with family and friends through online communication.
  • Create a construction-free zone that is always kept clean. In this area, you can relax and unwind from the noise of construction.

Feeling a sense of normalcy despite the construction makes you feel less stressed until it wraps up.

10. Plan for Temporary Relocation

You can temporarily move somewhere else while the remodel work is taking place. Consider staying with other family members away from your residence or renting a unit. You can also stay at a friend’s house for the time being. Relocation may increase the overall cost, but it’s a more convenient option to escape the chaos.

11. Expect the Unexpected

Home remodeling projects are full of surprises. Unexpected challenges and delays may incur additional costs and more adjustments on your part. Put your contingency plan in place and be prepared to face anything that may happen around this time.

Parting Thoughts

Living in your home while undertaking a home remodeling project requires thoughtful planning, patience, and flexibility. You need to adjust your routines and create a temporary living space for some time before finally settling in the new space. It may take a while, but you must bear with it until the project is complete.

If you plan to remodel your home, partner with house remodeling contractors in Annandale, VA. They will work closely with you throughout the entire project without causing you inconvenience. They’re a team that knows the ins and outs of construction—you can trust them to give life to your home ideas.


Eric is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).