Planning Design a Durable Bathroom That Will Last for Years August 13, 2019 0 Eric Murrell To avoid having to remodel your bathroom or having to make any repairs or minor replacements, you should design a bathroom that will stand the test of time.
Maintenance Hot Water Problems? Here’s How to Fix Them August 6, 2019 0 Eric Murrell When a problem arises, there are several things that you can do to check if everything is working properly and get it all running as it should be.
Cooking A Step by Step Guide to Growing Microgreens August 2, 2019 1 Eric Murrell Microgreens are a type of plant which is commonly used for salads and soups and as a nutritious snack.
Green Living Home Comforts with Little Cost to the Environment August 2, 2019 2 Eric Murrell The home you live in needs to be a place you can settle into, to make sure you’re living a happy and healthy life.
Maintenance How to Prolong the Life of Your Home July 31, 2019 0 Eric Murrell If you look after your home well, then it can go a long way to helping you get a good return on your investment.
Networking Fiber Optic Broadband Savings July 31, 2019 0 Eric Murrell As more internet options become available, people are constantly on the lookout for ways they can upgrade and save money.
Decorating Driving Up to Your Home Should Be a Pleasure July 27, 2019 0 Eric Murrell Exterior design is about implementing modern day standards when it comes to practicality and style.
Green Living Excellent Eco-Friendly Garden Hacks July 27, 2019 2 Eric Murrell If you’re not sure where to begin with your outdoor overhaul, consider some of the following ideas.
Green Living 11 Ways to Stay Cool in a Heat Wave July 24, 2019 0 Eric Murrell If your home isn’t geared up to handle the heat, a heat wave can be pretty miserable reality compared to the enjoyable summer you were hoping for.
Green Living Don’t Waste Your Energy July 24, 2019 2 Eric Murrell Have you ever thought at the end of a long day of work that you've been wasting your energy on all the wrong things?