This December is a big milestone for us, as we break ground on the home we started planning for over 3 years ago (and started saving for 7 years ago!). This is our first time building a home from scratch,…
The Great Lighting Debate Lighting your smart home can be confusing. A decision that used to revolve around a handful of bulbs must now account for dozens of variables… How important is power consumption? Do I need colored light? Do…
Better choices with a smaller budget. A few weeks ago, we sat down with our builder to go over an itemized budget as we break ground on the new house. One thing that stuck out to me was the $1200…
Let’s get this out of the way: Having a smart home isn’t a necessity. There are obviously many more things a family can spend their time, money, and energy on. However, we’re not your normal family. Creating a smart home…