What Makes Up a Healthy Home Environment?

What Makes Up a Healthy Home Environment?

The following contribution is from another author.

A healthy home environment is something we all think a little differently about. Some of us believe it’s a clean but livable space. Some of us think that even the tiniest speck of dust on the floor means the vacuum needs to be put round again. Some of us like to fill it with all kinds of trinkets that bring a smile to our faces, and some of us like the more minimalist side of living. 

Either way, you want your home to be a happy place, above all, because that’s what feels the most healthy to you. 

And of course, a healthy home is often described as a happy one, but there’s a few more elements that go into it than that. There’s quite a few physical qualities a healthy home has as well, and with the list below, we’ve pointed out a couple of the most important ones to try and secure within your home.

Air Clean Enough to Feel

There can be a lot of air quality problems within our homes, in both old and modern buildings alike. Of course, we’re moving into the winter period now, and that means you won’t be in much need of an air conditioner, but it could work out cheaper to hire an air conditioning repair service now than it would at the height of the summer period. 

But if your air isn’t clean enough that you could actually feel it as you take a deep breath, there’s a chance you could do with an air purifying solution. Mold spores can get into the air very easily, and that means they can get into your lungs very easily, and even just opening up a bag of bread that’s on the turn can seriously harm the quality of the air around you. Make sure you’re aware of these problems at least. 

Vigilance Over Contaminants 

Speaking of staying aware, make sure you’ve got a handle on the amount of contaminants that could be entering your home. There’s a greater risk of exposure to lead compounds, tobacco and secondhand smoke, carbon monoxide, etc, in the home compared to anywhere else in the world. Are you set to combat against them all? 

Always try to air out your home, to keep the air fresh and moving, as well as to help dry out any of the numerous toxins that might still linger in the walls and on the floors. At the same time, make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector somewhere in your home – it’s a colorless, scentless gas, so you’ll need a proper sensor on hand to make sure there’s none in the air. 

A healthy home environment takes a lot of time and work on your part, especially if you have children to take care of. Make sure you’re aware of household dangers – after all, the most common place to have an accident is in your home; it only follows suit that the air may be unsafe too. 


Eric is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).