How to Gradually Reduce Your Plastic Usage

How to Gradually Reduce Your Plastic Usage

We can’t hide from the fact that the world has a plastic problem. This material was so innovative when first created, but we didn’t realize how damaging it would be to our planet. Many reports have claimed that nearly 70 million tons of plastic are burned worldwide every single year. As such, gallons of carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere, harming our planet. 

There are plenty of things you can do to save the planet and cut down on carbon emissions. But, reducing your plastic usage is one of the easiest and most impactful. Yes, there will be times when it is inevitable that some plastic has to be used in your life. However, these tips will help you gradually phase it out:

Stop using plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are used all the time, but they aren’t necessary in the slightest. Find ways of cutting them out of your life entirely. At home, invest in something like the Pentair Rocean water filter, so you can drink straight from the faucet. Get yourself a reusable non-plastic bottle, and you can fill it up with water whenever you like. 

For other drinks, like soda or milk, try to find brands that sell them in glass bottles or cans – both of these materials are so much easier to recycle or repurpose. An old glass milk bottle can be washed out and used as a flower vase, for example!

Buy fruit and veg from a market

When you go to a grocery store to buy fruit and vegetables, almost everything is sold in plastic packaging. This includes plastic wraps, tubs, etc. Obviously, this food is very good for you – but buying it like this is not good for the planet!

Instead, start buying it from markets or more local places that sell loose food. As a result, you can bring your own bags or containers and pop them in there. It allows you to buy healthy food without using loads of plastic that’s almost impossible to recycle. 

Use eco-friendly products

A lot of your plastic usage comes from buying different products in plastic packaging or bottles. For example, shampoo, body wash, soap, cleaning sprays, toothpaste, etc. It can feel impossible to cut down on plastic usage in these departments, but that isn’t the truth. 

We are very lucky to have bright minds in this world that are keen to develop more eco-friendly products. As a consequence, you can purchase shampoo in plastic-free bottles or you can get eco-friendly toothpaste. Have a look around for ideas like these, and you will be amazed at how much plastic you can stop moving. For instance, there is a brand called smol that sells loads of eco-effective cleaning products from your home, greatly reducing plastic usage. It says on its website that they’ve saved 821 tons of plastic since launching, and 12,824 tons of carbon. 

The point of this post is to prove that you can stop using plastic. It might be a gradual process, but there are plenty of things you can do right this second to reduce plastic waste on planet earth. Please consider this as it is one of the easiest ways to help save our planet!


Eric is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).