Planning Are You Ready to Embark on a New Adventure? September 2, 2019 0 Eric Murrell There's so many things that you can do to put your life on a new path, and we're going to name just a few that we think will suit you.
Prepping Could Modern Home Heating Help Us Survive an Ice Age? August 29, 2019 0 Eric Murrell The good news is that, thanks to modern technology in home heating, we’re more ready for a mini ice age than ever before.
Safety Keeping Your Home Safe During Your Vacation August 22, 2019 2 Eric Murrell Take some time to make sure that your home is protected and take precautions to keep it safe, and you’ll have peace of mind while you are away.
Gadgets Modern Home Upgrades You’ll Actually Use August 22, 2019 3 Eric Murrell Every family looks for ways to improve their home, but some upgrades and improvements can make a much larger difference than others.
Green Living Saving Money on Your Bills By Going Green August 20, 2019 6 Eric Murrell If you’re looking for ways you can help the environment, then the first place to start is at home.
Maintenance 6 Signs That Your Garage Door Needs Repairing August 19, 2019 1 Eric Murrell Having your garage door break is an inconvenience. There’s never a time where it stops working and you can shrug your shoulders and return to it later.
Audio/Video Transform Your Family Room Into the Ultimate Entertainment Hub August 19, 2019 2 Eric Murrell A family room is meant to be a place where a family can meet and enjoy one another’s company to share and create memories.
Planning Home Improvements If You’re Planning on Moving August 19, 2019 2 Eric Murrell If you’re a homeowner that’s thinking about moving in the next few years then there are some projects that you should be avoiding.
Planning 6 Things to Do Before You Put Your Home on the Market August 19, 2019 1 Eric Murrell If you’re soon to be putting your home on the market, then you need to make sure you’ve ticked everything off your to-do list first.
Security Security Options for the Gadget Lover August 16, 2019 7 Eric Murrell Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of the latest technology when it comes to home security? Here are some of the options to embrace.