Funny Word, Great Design

Funny Word, Great Design

You pronounce it “hoo-gah” and if you haven’t heard of it then you have missed out on a home furnishing trend that has swept the nation.

Spelt Hygge, this beautiful Danish concept is the opposite of functionless form and sterile interiors. Picture instead log fires, deep rugs and evenings snuggled under warm blankets. If you’re surrounded by warm wood tones and bare floorboards, you have encapsulated the Scandinavian concept of cosiness.

The good news is that you don’t need to reserve that warm feeling just for the winter months. The concept of Hygge is for life, not just for Christmas. Hygge isn’t just about interiors, it is as much to do with relaxation, family togetherness and a calm, candlelit sense of peace in your own home. Something we can all embrace, year round. It is very much about rejecting the designer and manmade materials of modern interiors and all about embracing a far more natural and wholesome style.

Creating this space helps to turn your house into a sanctuary away from the pressures and stresses of the outside world. Hygge applies as much to your dining room and bedroom as it does to your living space and Danish style dining should feature plenty of low lighting and natural materials to eat off and drink from. Think stylish, but rustic-style plates and untreated wooden tables. This style of interior doesn’t have to be plain, far from it. The emphasis is on natural material, not what you do with it or how you style it.

Don’t forget to apply Hygge principles to your bedroom. It’s the perfect design concept for creating a warm and sleep-inducing environment, perfect for anyone who has trouble dropping off. Go heavy on the layers, opting for deep, soft pillows aplenty, Amish quilts and a plethora of blankets. Think Alpine lodge for that unique style and smell that only comes when you embrace those long winter nights.

This Danish approach to design and lifestyle might well be the reason that Danes are reported to be one of the happiest group of people on the planet. This can’t solely be down to the country being the home of the Danish pastry. It seems that the Danish have a knack for appreciating not just the material things that make their homes so Hygge-like but the experiences that happen when you create a Hygge environment. Candlelit dinners, storytelling around the fire, movies watched together surrounded by an all natural interior – all these things add up to create a unique Scandinavian concept.

You might not quite be able to fit in the hot tub or transform your walls into a log cabin, but with a few simple design tweaks, some beautiful accessories and an understanding of the Hygge lifestyle principles you can create the perfect fortress for now and years to come. Keep the outside at bay and sink into the warmth and softness of a Hygge-style home.

So no matter what time of the year it is, think cozy, think family and give your house a Hygge home makeover.


Eric is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).