Integrating Smart Home Technology in Your Life

Integrating Smart Home Technology in Your Life

The following contribution is from another author.

Integrating smart home technology across your life and property isn’t the easiest thing to do. But when you get to grips with it, it can change your life. Of course, each vendor offers different features, and some can even be used to save you money. So here are some suggestions.

Consider the Uses for It

There are almost limitless uses for smart technology across your home. Even as a way of future-proofing your house, smart tech is an excellent investment when selling. But there are numerous uses for the technology based on your personal needs and lifestyle. Imagine you just had a fantastic new bathroom from installed. As great as these are, smart tech such as smart mirrors can make your dreary mornings just that little bit easier.

Choose a Vendor You Like

There are numerous smart tech vendors and manufacturers that offer exceptional products. From your AI hub to products such as light bulbs and even kitchen appliances, nothing is off the table. In fact, you can even get smart tables! But like all products, smart products are not made equally. There are some manufacturers that make mind-blowing products and some that are substandard. However, also like other things, the best manufacturers are often more expensive.

Learn How Smart Home Technology Works

According to the latest figures, there are around 1.8 billion connected devices in homes across the United States alone. This shows a growing trend and appetite for smart devices, which is encouraging. However, you may get some devices and need help understanding how the tech works. And it can be hard to install new ones if you need help with this, as some are a little finicky. For the most part, smart tech works via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, much like your phone.

Use Your Devices for Saving Money

One of the biggest motivators for installing smart devices is that they can help save you some money, something most of us need right now. How? Well, you can turn off lights and other devices remotely using a tablet, phone, or voice assistant using smart tech. Or you can create timers for light bulbs and smart plugs. Additionally, devices such as smart home energy meters help you monitor what you are using so you can use the data to make actionable changes.

Include Smart Tech for Your Work

With so many of us working from home these days, having a smart office can be a great benefit. AI assistants like Alexa can help maximize productivity by creating task lists, reminding you of important things, and even reminding you to take a break. Yet there are even more advancements in smart office tech that can look after your health. For example, smart desks can adjust their height, offer cable management for safety, and have integrated wireless charging.


It helps to consider what you will use it for before integrating smart home technology into your life. It can also take some time to learn how it all works, but it is very similar to your phone. Further, you can use smart devices to save money on bills and assist you at the home office.


Eric is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).